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Origins And Evolution

A Brief History of the "Lock Her Up" Chant by Trump Supporters Against Clinton

Origins and Evolution

The "Lock her up" chant, directed at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, emerged during the 2016 presidential campaign as a rallying cry for Donald Trump supporters. It originated at a rally in San Jose, California, in June 2016, and quickly gained traction at subsequent events.

Clinton Email Controversy and Investigations

The chant was fueled by accusations that Clinton had mishandled classified information while using a private email server during her time as Secretary of State. The FBI conducted an investigation into the matter, but did not find sufficient evidence to bring criminal charges.

Trump's Continued Use of the Chant

Despite the lack of criminal charges, Trump has continued to use the "Lock her up" chant at rallies and in public appearances. It has become a staple of his political rallies, and a symbol of his supporters' antipathy towards Clinton.

Symbol of Trump's Base and Politics

The chant has evolved into more than just a demand for legal action against Clinton. It has become a cultural mantra that reflects the frustrations and anger of Trump's base. It is used to express their distrust of the political establishment and their desire for retribution against those they perceive as responsible for the country's perceived decline.
